Translating Tech Jargon into Compelling Copy

In tech, clarity is king. Many SaaS products boast “cutting-edge technology” and “groundbreaking features”, but often, the messaging fails to resonate with a broader audience.

The culprit?

Tech speak—the specialized language that tech professionals revel in but which can alienate potential customers who aren’t as technically inclined.

This article bridges that gap by providing SaaS startups with effective strategies for translating dense technical jargon into compelling, accessible copy that captivates and converts.


  • Simplify Complex Terms: Break down technical jargon into simpler, understandable language.

  • Use Analogies: Employ relatable analogies and metaphors to make abstract concepts more tangible.

  • Focus on Benefits: Highlight how features translate into real-world benefits for the user, not just the technical specifications.

  • Employ Storytelling: Use stories to illustrate how your product solves real problems, making the technical aspects relatable and engaging.

  • Utilize Tools: Leverage tools like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor to ensure your writing is clear, concise, and free of errors.

Understanding your audience

Identify the audience

Knowing who you're talking to before translating your tech speak into engaging copy is super important.

Are your prospective customers tech-savvy developers or business stakeholders looking for solutions?

Understanding your audience's familiarity with technical concepts will guide the tone and complexity of your language.

Audience needs and pain points

Diving into the needs and pain points of your audience is essential.

A non-technical business user might be more interested in how your software will streamline their workflows, increase revenue, or reduce costs, rather than in the specific technologies that enable these benefits.

Tailoring your message to address these pain points directly can make your product more relatable and desirable.

The basics of Tech Speak

Definition of Tech Speak

Tech speak involves using industry-specific terminology or technical details not widely understood outside a specific professional community.

It's precise.

It's efficient.

But it's not always effective in persuasive communication aimed at a general audience.

Common examples

Examples of tech speak could include terms like "scalable multi-tenant infrastructure", "RESTful API interface", or "end-to-end encryption".

While these terms are informative within a technical context, they require unpacking to communicate their benefits to a non-technical audience.

Techniques to translate tech jargon

Transforming tech speak into engaging copy is about simplifying language and connecting with your audience on a level that resonates with their needs and desires.

Here are some key techniques to help you achieve that:


The first step in demystifying tech speak is simplification.

This doesn't mean dumbing down your content.

Rather, it breaks down complex ideas into simpler, more digestible pieces.

For example, instead of saying "scalable multi-tenant infrastructure," you could say, "Our platform can grow with your business, allowing multiple users to access the system without sacrificing performance."

This approach makes the technology more accessible to those without a technical background.

Using analogies and metaphors

Analogies and metaphors are powerful tools for making abstract or complex technical concepts relatable.

They help create a visual image or relate something unfamiliar to something familiar.

For example, you might compare cloud computing to a public library, explaining that just as you access books in a library wherever you are, you can access your data and services securely, anywhere in the cloud.

Focusing on benefits rather than features

Instead of listing technical features, focus on how these features benefit the user.

Translate technical specifications into direct benefits that address the user’s needs.

For example, instead of presenting "end-to-end encryption" as a technical feature, explain that it means "your data stays private and secure from the moment it leaves your device, until it reaches its destination, protecting you from data breaches."


Everyone loves a good story.

Stories engage and help in understanding and retention.

Create scenarios or use case studies where your product solves a problem.

For example, narrate a day in the life of a user who has streamlined an otherwise cumbersome business process using your software, highlighting how different features come into play to make their workday more productive and less stressful.

How to write compelling copy

Once you've translated the technical jargon into simpler language and focused on benefits, refining your copywriting technique is important to ensure your message is clear, engaging and persuasive.

Here are key strategies to consider:

Active voice

Using the active voice in your writing helps create more dynamic and direct sentences.

This approach makes your messages stronger and more straightforward, which is especially important when explaining complex concepts.

For instance, rather than saying "The server’s data is processed by the software," you can say "Our software processes data on the server quickly and securely."

Clarity and brevity

Clarity and brevity are essential in effective communication.

Avoid unnecessary jargon, and keep your sentences short and concise.

This ensures that dense paragraphs don’t bog down your readers, and they can easily grasp the value of what your software offers.

Emotional appeal

Connecting with your audience on an emotional level can boost the effectiveness of your copy.

Highlight how your product relieves stress, saves time, or reduces anxiety about data security.

For example, rather than simply stating that your product automates tasks, emphasize how it frees up time so users can focus on creative aspects of their jobs or spend more time with family.

Transforming tech jargon into accessible language

Before and After

Let’s look at some specific examples to understand better how to apply these techniques:

Tech Speak: "Our software utilizes a robust RESTful API infrastructure to facilitate seamless data integrations across platforms."

Compelling Copy: "Connect all your favorite tools easily with our software! Our powerful integration system means your data moves smoothly and quickly wherever it needs to go—no more headaches!"

Tech Speak: "Featuring comprehensive, real-time, cloud-based analytics to leverage business intelligence."

Compelling Copy: "Gain instant insights into your business performance with our easy-to-use, real-time analytics dashboard. Make smarter decisions quickly, all from the cloud."

Case Studies

Including a brief case study can also illustrate the practical benefits of your product in action. For example:

Case Study: "When XYZ Corp switched to our software, they cut their data processing time by 50% and improved their customer response time by 75%, leading to higher customer satisfaction scores and an increase in repeat business."

Tools and Resources

Leveraging the right tools can streamline the process and enhance the quality of content for SaaS startups looking to refine their copywriting skills.

Here are some valuable tools and resources to consider:

Copywriting tools

  • Grammarly: Useful for catching grammatical errors and refining the tone of your text.

  • Hemingway Editor: Helps simplify and clarify your writing, ensuring your content is reader-friendly.

  • CoSchedule Headline Analyzer: Great for crafting compelling headlines and titles that drive traffic.

  • Google Docs Voice Typing: Useful for dictating ideas quickly and capturing the natural flow of your thoughts.

Further Reading and Courses

  • "Everybody Writes" by Ann Handley: A go-to book filled with insights and tips for better digital marketing and writing.

  • Copyblogger: Offers many articles and tutorials on content marketing and copywriting specifically for online businesses.

  • Coursera and Udemy: These platforms offer courses like "Copywriting Secrets" or "Writing Tools & Hacks" tailored to improve your writing skills in a business context.


Transforming tech speak into compelling copy is essential for any SaaS startup looking to connect with a broader audience.

Your content can engage and persuade more effectively by simplifying language, using analogies, focusing on benefits, and incorporating storytelling.

Remember, the goal is to inform, resonate emotionally, and prompt action.

Whether you are refining the messaging on your website, crafting an email campaign, or writing a user guide, applying these techniques will help make your copy clear, engaging, and effective!

Ready to take your SaaS copywriting to the next level? Start by reviewing your existing content using the techniques discussed here. Don't hesitate to reach out for more personalized advice or a workshop for your team.

  • Tech speak refers to the specialized language used by professionals within a technology field. It often includes jargon, acronyms, and terms that may not be familiar to those outside the industry.

  • Simplifying tech speak makes your product more accessible and understandable to a wider audience, which can enhance user engagement, satisfaction, and ultimately, conversion rates.

  • Start by understanding the problems or challenges your feature solves for the user. Translate technical features into benefits by focusing on how they make the user’s life easier, more productive, or more enjoyable.

  • If you're explaining cloud storage, you might compare it to a virtual filing cabinet where files are stored safely and can be accessed from anywhere, just like documents can be retrieved from any drawer in a filing cabinet at any time.

  • Effective storytelling often involves creating a relatable scenario or character that faces a challenge which your product can solve. This helps the reader visualize the value of your product in a real-world context.

  • Grammarly is great for grammar and style suggestions, while Hemingway Editor helps in making your writing bold and clear by suggesting simpler alternatives and highlighting hard-to-read sentences.

  • Active voice involves structuring sentences where the subject performs the action, e.g., "Our software secures your data" instead of "Your data is secured by our software." It makes your copy more direct and powerful.

  • Focus on the emotional outcome of using your product. For example, instead of just listing the features of a cybersecurity product, describe the peace of mind it brings to users by protecting their data.

  • Regularly review and update your copy to align with new technology developments, customer feedback, and evolving market conditions. This ensures your copy stays relevant, fresh, and effective.

  • Consider reading books like "Everybody Writes" by Ann Handley and exploring online resources such as Copyblogger. Also, online courses on platforms like Coursera or Udemy offer targeted learning on tech copywriting.

Phoebe Lown

Phoebe is a freelance copywriter and content strategist. With a decade of experience in SaaS scale-ups, Phoebe specializes in UX and web copy and has worked with several household brands to help breathe life into their stories.

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